could not create the java virtual machine eclipse

could not create the java virtual machine eclipse

Error: could not find java.dll Error: could not find Java SE Runtime Environment. i got the above.. so I (re?)installed jre 1.7 specifically and that went away. This was not linked to my eclipse success ...

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  • 2013年1月29日 - Error: could not find java.dll Error: could not find Java SE Runtime ... In ...
    Eclipse - Failed to create the java virtual machine - Stack Overflow
  • Eclipse - Failed to Create The Java Virtual Machine Now I can resolve this problem. Credit...
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  • Eclipse - Failed to Create The Java Virtual Machine Now I can resolve this problem. Credit...
    Eclipse - Failed to Create The Java Virtual Machine - YouTube
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  • 2011年9月4日 - -vm C:-Program Files-Java-jre7-bin-client-jvm.dll ... and the problem was I w...
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